Photo of Chelin Sanjuan Spain

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Criticism The Art of Chelin Sanjuan particularly remarkable for its careful technique, your drawing is clean, firm and secure a line, while dynamics, with a balanced use of color and serene, which tends to color warmth of the. It unfolds naturally in both lines more realistic pictorial, as in most imaginative and surreal plots, each box is a unique world, magical, intimate, with hidden items and transparent forms that blend...

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Criticism The Art of Chelin Sanjuan particularly remarkable for its careful technique, your drawing is clean, firm and secure a line, while dynamics, with a balanced use of color and serene, which tends to color warmth of the. It unfolds naturally in both lines more realistic pictorial, as in most imaginative and surreal plots, each box is a unique world, magical, intimate, with hidden items and transparent forms that blend smoothly. Entraable is interesting relationship between their characters, women, children and animals, especially cats, there is always a touch of humor hidden in his paintings. A figurative art forms and outright NTID, but delicate issues and always cheerful in the content, no doubt very personal style, which is not influenced by artistic fashions more gestural and seudodecorativas A flower in deserts, Pensler first saw his work. J. L Bonet art critic Official Website:

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